Tuesday 31 May 2016

Rekindling the Hope of the Populace: Bindow and Restoration Agenda in Fombina

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“Politics is all about man management”
- Malam Aminu Kano

“Adamawa today is celebrating good governance and going by the feedback we have been receiving from our people, there is clearly demonstrable evidence that power has truly returned to the common man.”

Adamawa is going through visible transformation driven by a focused, visionary and purposeful administration. Since the election and subsequent swearing in of Sen. Muhammad Umaru Jibrilla (Bindow) on 29th May, 2015, the administration has made it abundantly clear right from the onset that the goal of the administration is to steadily rekindle the hopes in the led, while re-engineering their dynamisms and drives in governance to create better opportunity for positive change. The administration assured the people that it could match words with action both in policy creation and operation.

Philosophical Basis: According to Malam Aminu Kano, one of the leading light in Nigerian radical politics, politics is all about man management. This is derived from the argument of another great philosopher of Nigerian political history – Abdullahi Fodio in his Dhiya ul Hukkam when he argued, “politics is the protection of the general welfare of mankind”. Looking at his style of governance, one can see that, “man” is at the heart of this government, the government comes with decisive policies that will make a positive impact on the life of the common man. The central interest of the administration is mankind irrespective of his/her religion, ethnicity, tribe or gender. Developing human being requires the development of his environment, as a consequence, the governor came with a loud bang in the area of infrastructural development. A leader,  according to Plato is expected to be focused, purposeful, visionary and beneficial to his subjects, he must be seen, to exude justice and egalitarianism as the basis of leadership because Bindow has been able to in this context, exhibited  justice and fairness to all, despite the socio-cultural differences in the state. The governor has successfully tailored the differences between various tribes and ethnic groups in Adamawa state. This has enthroned a regime of peace and unity among the citizens and consequently led to prosperity among his subjects.

As far as this regime is concerned, man is central to its policies, as Chief Obafemi Awolowo once pointed out  “man is greater than the system”. The government firmly asserts, all policies must be guided toward human development. No wonder, Adamawa State is witnessing rapid progress in the area of human development.  
The outcome of his style of governance is now vividly particularly in the area of social life of the masses, hope is now restored in governance and the masses are getting contented with the  leadership of Sen. Muhammad Umar Jibrilla Bindow.    

When the government came into office one year ago, it was greeted with so much doubt and distrust. The reason came from past experiences and justifiable poor perception of the people about their government. under this circumstances one does not  blame the people.

Integrated in Bindow’s resolve is the high premium placed on the development of infrastructure and social amenities across the state. This poor perception of the people about their government has however, given way to optimism and Bindow. Now they know that so much good is coming out Adamawa.

Governor Bindow is working so hard and tirelessly on the restructuring of the state in all facets of life. He is tackling  Tackling headlong factors that hitherto hampered the growth of the state such as insecurity, poor power supply, infrastructural deficit, corruption, unemployment and destitution. The governor and his team did their best by implementing the blueprint which they promised to work on as contained in the restoration agenda. This agenda includes social change, restructuring governance, physical and human development, ensuring transparency, and accountability in governance and diversifying  the state economy as priority areas. Within the last one year, the Bindow administration has left objective assessors in no doubt of its policy direction of transparency in government and compelling evidence of change in the new socio-political order. The Governor, apart from being focused and compassionate leader, has demonstrated how a principled leadership works through an abiding faith in the common man as well as a resolve towards realizing a truly united and progressive state.

Bindow administration, within the period under review, has been preoccupied with seeking and exploring avenues through which the lives of the people could be enhanced, human dignity protected and the welfare of the people improved. The administration has also succeeded in bringing reform to the educational sector, transformed the agriculture, revitalized industrial and commercial activities, intervened in health care delivery, provided a new initiative for better environmental management, provided portable drinking water, bought about constituency projects and rekindled   hope among people by re-engineering the society and redefining public service. Never in the history of Adamawa state has so much been achieved in so short a time. The people are witnesses to the fact that the current administration even under a challenging circumstance and harsh political environment has been able to achieve.

Adamawa has made a mark in virtually every aspect of life and has equally demonstrated what strong innovation and accountable governance could achieve in democracy. The state is today one of the few states that are actually providing true dividends of democracy. The people are already enjoying. All efforts were made to block leakages and raise the internally generated revenue of the state as well as firmness in due process in all dealings. The story of innovation and substitution of bad with good is a practical approach in the state. This includes poverty reduction, massive construction and rehabilitation works going on in all spheres of government agencies as in roads, hospitals, schools and industries. The state has become one of those envied in the country under Bindow administration. The government has been able to demonstrate that it is possible to fulfill the political promises with the right attitude, sincerity of purpose and pragmatic initiative.

A major issue in political leadership is the question of integrity; integrity simply means doing what you promised you would do. It is a critical factor capable of cementing the bond between a government and people or otherwise depending on how people perceive the attitude of government in relation to their interests. Integrity is a commodity increasingly short in supply among politicians and the larger body of public servants and which has been breeding cynicism and apathy among the electorate. In Adamawa state the twin issues of integrity and leadership are prime points of most evaluations. This is so because of the effectiveness and reliability of the government in delivering on its manifesto popularly known as BINDOW FOR SOCIAL CHANGE. The Architect of Modern  Adamawa State and Governor of Adamawa State, Sen. Muhammad Umaru Jibrilla (Bindow) has kept his words regarding governance with greater emphasis on trust, transformation and sacrifice. He has,  by a dint of hard work and strength of character led by example, affirmed his credibility as a leader.

Thus, one can conclude, that the government is quintessential and unique among its contemporaries and in the political history of Adamawa state. It is the first to achieve so much in so short a time, the first to restore the hope of the common man in civilian administration, the first to link rural dwellers with urban centers through construction of tarred roads, the first to appoint women into the four most sensitive ministries of his government, the first to transform the state within a short time, the first to rekindle the hope of Adamawa state citizens that by making them see light at the end of the tunnel, and it is the government that has brought back the state to its glorious past after many years of corruption and impunity in governance of the state.

Nana Asmau Gwadabe wrote from Kano.

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