Wednesday 2 March 2016

Adamawa's Raging Political Storms: Cracks in the Façade - by George Kusi

There is no feud or crisis in the Adamawa State chapter of the APC, the fact is that when the chips were down and was apparent that the opposition forces of the APC would sweep the ground, many changed their positions and came to the fold. The charisma of General Mohammadu Buhari and his consistent stance on financial probity attracted a lot of supporters. A change from the long standing situation of infrastructural development played a principal role in making the people believe that the PDP would not be able to deliver. The faith in Buhari therefore created the faith in all political officers that would come from the APC. There is no doubt in the minds of Adamawa citizens that all have been justified.

The pace under Governor Umaru Jibrilla Bindow has proved that the people's confidence in the APC is not wasted. It therefore comes as a surprise that political detractors are trying to create ill will so as to truncate the positive signs of good governance exhibited by APC at the state level so as to pursue selfish programmes as have been in the past under the PDP. This they try to do by pitching the Governor against the President and pulling in politicians like Atiku Abubakar, Murtala Nyako etc into a political quagmire that would once again deny citizens of Adamawa the quality life they deserve.

Adamawa State is a contraption of diverse people that have come to understand their differences,struggle for their differences, struggle for their individual and collective survival, a thing that an outsider would find very difficult to understand.

The politics in Adamawa is a maze that the discerning or bold would find difficult wriggle out of. It is therefore not surprising that a lot of external observers find it difficult to configure what Adamawa politics entails. It requires in-depth knowledge of Adamawa politics to decipher factors that brought about the APC triumph in the state. There is no doubt that the success of the APC at the presidential, gubernatorial , senatorial and all elections can be attributed to the collective frustrations of the people with a fruitless PDP government that ruled the state for 16years. The emergence of Mohammadu Buhari as the APC presidential candidate and Senator Umaru Jibrilla Bindow as governorship candidate in no way made the APC success a foreclosed issue. Like in a domino game, everything fell into place based on the configuration of discontent and the need to effect change from an "order" that has failed. For the wrong reasons, two camps are being created to cause dis affection between the presidency and the governor so as to enhance selfish interest that would benefit those that intend to reap where they laboured less.

The history of Adamawa State is rife with such. The Adamawa State "Aristocracy" has in one way or the other manipulated and control state resources to their benefit without due consideration to the teeming population of the state. The selfish interest to rotate themselves,their cronies and their children into the highest political offices in the state is being challenged by the growing consciousness of the local populace as to the need to have a fundamental change that will ensure equity in the sharing of political power and social amenities to all. This is probably why frantic efforts are being made to create animosity between Governor Bindo and the presidency on one hand,former Governor Murtala Nyako, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, David Babachir Lawal(SGF) and others.

There is no doubt that GMB and former Governor Nyako had a long standing camaraderie as ex military officers, it is a well known fact that Nyako holds Buhari in high esteem and that the were both sympathetic to the APP/ANPP at an earlier stage. While Buhari was steadfast in the ANPP Nyako turned coat and within two months became a PDP flag bearer , a party he supported for the 2007 and 2011 elections. By 2015 general elections Nyako reverted to the APC an offshoot of ANPP with the intention of placing his son as governor to continue in a position long acknowledged by Adamawa people as an intended hereditary position, it is a well known fact that during Murtala Nyako's tenure, his son was DEFACTO governor.

On the other hand, Governor Umaru Jibrilla Bindow hails from a business oriented family that has never been in government,his first venture into governance was as a Senator where he represented Adamawa North and later contested for the governorship. His fresh view as a new comer made many to think that a naive politician has been placed in power, but a close look shows a matured politician cum business man that knows that failure means poverty and that there are no two ways about it but to succeed.

An analyses of what transpires in Adamawa today leaves no one in doubt that he is succeeding and that the tempo at which he is going cannot be delayed by subsequent governors and go unnoticed.

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It is very important that the people in Adamawa take note of this and that lovers of Adamawa State take heed lest they create ill will that would benefit non but jeopardize the peace in Adamawa. The people of Adamawa need the presidency as much as they need a governor that is not distracted from the functions of his office.

While a lot of people especially selfish politicians are trying to cause disharmony, the people of Adamawa feel they are on the right track with energetic and young people like Umaru Fintiri and Bindow setting the pace, detractors are trying to create a feud between the presidency and the governor of Adamawa State so as to achieve parochial interests that do not augur well for the agrarian people of Adamawa State.
The people of Adamawa State understand the need for good representation in the state Assembly, which means there should be no conflict between members of the Adamawa State House of Assembly and the governor.

The People also understand that the National Representative should articulate laws and help forestall any conflict between the national body and the state.

They also understand the need for a state government that functions in harmony with the Federal Government irrespective of the personalities involved. Neither the Presidency nor the Governor of Adamawa State should be perturbed by political hawks whose interest is to enrich themselves and their families to the total neglect of the populace that yearn for the free democratic entity that would ensure their happiness

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