Monday 19 October 2015

Hookup TV Series Producer, Emmanuel Buba turns a year older

He is Emmanuel Buba, Hookup Tv's series producer. In case you dont know what that is well, he makes usre our tv or video skits and events that get uploaded for you guys to enjy never fails. He is the calm end of our tensed work load. He also superb on the drums, keyboard, bass guitar and a vocalist.

There is hardly anything he cant do. (for real) So today we all at Hookup TV celebrate You. Readers pls help us do the honours of wishing him a happy birthday.


  1. Happy birthday bro! Long life and prosperity. Amen

  2. Happy belated birthday Emmanuel
    Wishing you all the best and many more. Remain blessed!

  3. I see something bulging somewhere his

  4. You could make do with a blog editor or proof reader! Typing and posting grammatical and typographical errors in the name of "too busy or too fast to post" is no excuse for mediocrity.

    1. @your friend...Thanks a lot for d kind observation. We at hookup tv r always looking for young volunteers who can make use of their talents in meaningful ways. Maybe u would like to join the team n do d job of proof reader for us. We would be delighted

    2. Join the team.. No, thanks. I think I would do a better job checking on everything you posting and raising red flags where need be. You should be happy because that job description won't be a pressure on your blog budget. Look around, you would find someone around. I still remain your friend not your staff!


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