Thursday 16 June 2016

Presse Release by CAN Chairman Adamawa State over alleged hate sermon broadcast by Islamic cleric

The Christian Association of Nigeria, Adamawa State Chairman Bishop Mike Moses has released an official press statement in regards to the hate sermon an Islamic cleric who was sited to have taken 15 minutes to condemn the christian religion on State  owned Television , Adamawa Television (ATV) Yesterday in commemoration of the Ramadan period. below the statement reads:

Christian Community in Adamawa State have expressed their concerned over some Tafsir sermons aired on Media Houses which they adjudged to be confrontational to the Christian faith. Particularly Yesterday, ATV Yola at about 10:30PM aired a Sermon that condemns Christianity in it totality. We are living in an era and region that peace appears costly. Therefore any thing that will jeorpadized our peaceful coexistence should be discouraged and frown at. Christianity and Islam preaches Peace and Love for mankind. These are the virtues we all Preachers should promote among our followers. Anything short of that is unacceptable. Peaceful coexistence can only be attained through respect for your neighbor's belief. We enjoin the relevant authorities to intervene and forestall future misguided public comments by clerics. The media houses within the State should be custodian and promoters of peace and unity. They should be professional in discharging their duties. Censorship of religious contents going on air is necessary for promoting unity. Finally I enjoined all Christian faithfuls in Adamawa State to be law abiding, tolerant and loving. We should continue to obey the constituted authority and never take laws into our hands in the face of provocation. Christ taught us to love and pray for those that persecute us. God bless you all.
Bishop Mike Moses - Adamawa State CAN Chairman. 16/6/16


  1. Attacking some one religion is uncalled for. We have to tolerate each other's religion

  2. I hope the honest ones among the Muslim leaders will arise against such evil agents of destruction "preachers" the earlier they do that the better for Adamawa State and the nation at large, the fact that a lion lied down doesn't mean he has lost his strength

  3. This really unfortunate, i listened to it and i am not surprise by this reaction, i want to personally say sorry to those affected, see i have seen pastors converting to Islam and also an imams to Christianity, religion is a misery you don’t by threat or castigation make some join any religion instead you lost your good seeds. Let’s respect each others choice please.


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