Wednesday 22 June 2016

Ahmadu Ribadu College hosts Doctors, Architects, Military Officers to its "Career Day Festival 2016"

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Ahmadu Ribadu College , Yola held its inaugural Career Day today 22nd June  to enlighten its students on the career options available to them and guide them towards making career choices. The school’s management headed by Mr. Nazif Isa, the Administrator and the Principal together with staff and students welcomed the Professionals who were invited to speak on there various professions, The pros and Cons, The basic academic requirements and the joys and thrills there in.

An Event Manager, Sports Fitness Expert, Air force Officer, Medical Doctor, Teacher, Architect as well as Medical Doctor were invited to serve as the Presentation panel. Guidance and COuselling officer of the College left the student s with a final word of advice  “whatever career you find yourself you must be hard working and diligent.” She said.

The Administrator who is also an ICT Expert took time to speak elaborately on his profession and the joys it has gained in the new age of Technology, clearly stating that the richest man in the world is an IT Expert and likewise the richest company in the World (Apple) is also in ICT Firm.

Traditional Dance as well dance dramas were presented by the student to the admiration of the crowd and invited schools.
more photos after the cut.

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