Thursday 21 January 2016

Adamawa State Governor's wife honoured by Arewa Youth Assembly (Photos)

Wife of the executive Governor of Adamawa State Hajiya Maryam Muhammed Umaru Jibrilla was today  honored by the Arewa Youth Assembly with the "Platinum Excellence in Leader Ship Award " and "Investiture as the Life Time Patron of the Assembly" in  recognition of her courageous fight against gender based violence, Humanitarian activities, leadership and support of women and youth empowerment. The award was presented to her by founder of Arewa Youth Assembly at the Government House Banquet Hall. Hajiya Maryam was presented with a Medal, Certificate of Excellence Glass Plaque and Life Time identity Card from the Organisation.

The Arewa Youth Assembly is a Youth based organisation which spans across the 19 Northern state of Nigeria.

Also present at the event were the wives of the Head of Service, Chief of Staff, Commisioners of Works, Women Affairs and Mineral Resources as well as the Party faithfuls.

Her Excellency thanked the Arewa Youth Assembly for recognizing her efforts and clearly stated that while they were championing the course, they were doing so with no intention of any form of recognition but as a part of her contribution towards humanity . Congrats to her. More pics after the cut..

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