Friday 16 October 2015

Meet the Adamawa Born film maker who got the attention of Sahara Reporters with his video

Benjamin Jesse is a a student of Moddibo Adama University of Technology, but during his free time he is also an budding film maker who shoots comedy skits with his friends and room mates. So when the famed online show Dr. Damages, A satirical production of Sahara Reporters tv asked viewers to send film replicating famous Nigerian moments, Benjamin called a few friends to heed the call. The grand prize was a $200 cash prize. Few hours to the deadline the production was doe and sent. End result....He won.

Benjamin's production was among the few winners who made the cut. congrats to him

see video after the cut.


  1. This thing is real o

  2. wow that's was sup i am so happy for him

  3. Big congrat to d winners

  4. Nice one, congratulations

  5. Haddexablink 18216 October 2015 at 05:45

    The way all of us dey look for easy money en!! (myself included).
    make i try am..... hope i be the first one millionaire winner.

  6. Can I have him as a guest on campus 360 radio show next week Thursday?

  7. Wow,am so hapi for u Benji. Greater heights in Jesus name


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